This is *drum rolls* EunhaeLove of AFF. I’m here to bring you an honest review(s) for you story. I probably grade the hardest. My partner and I---eunhacupcake, presents to you Eccentric Reviews and Graphics. She does the graphics and the reviews…. I..Ah….just do the reviews, but I’m working on trailer making so it’ll be a full out-one stop shop.
I grade pretty harsh. Don’t request from me if your I’s aren’t capitalized, you don’t have a period at the end of each sentence, you have colorful fonts all over your story---I’ll only make an exception for crack fics, if you can’t string paragraphs together, and enjoys “punishing” your readers.
I’m Vietnamese and Chinese, born in Vietnam and raised in the US. Currently, studying in middle school in creative writing. 1997 is the year that my mom decided to give me life. I’m a friendly person –cough cough-. Just kidding, I’m actually very friendly. I love reading, drawing, painting, practicing graphics and practicing trailer making. If your story grabs my attention, I will applaud you.

Hey! This is eunhaecupcake from AFF!!! I'm the graphics half of this collaboration portfolio. I've been doing graphics for about 7 years and still going on. The program I use is Photoshop but before that I used to use Microsoft Picture It and Paint Shop Pro. I don't use those anymore though. I just though you would like a little history with it. I could do reviews as well but... well... I'm sort of crappy at those if it doesn't have my interest. /is a very picky reader when it comes to fanfics.
At the most when you request graphics from me... I sometimes am pretty quick with making them but there is a possibility that there would be up to a week wait. This is due to me having other things outside graphics that would get me to do that. (I also write fanfiction, you know.) All graphics on the site so far have been made by me.
I'm a Filipina that was born and raised in New Jersey. No I don't talk like the a guidette... currently I'm just a babysitter and still looking for a job. I'm also planning to major in massage therapy. I do have a naughty mind at times and sometimes I think weird. But you could get past that. I do know where my limit is. I'm pretty hyperactive and friendly so don't be afraid to give me a shoutout. Just... don't mention anything about Jessica Jung to me... I have reasons for this.
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